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[ URLs are being updated in June 2002 ]

VetScape is changing.

JUNE/JULY 2002: A series of spectacular hard drive crashes over the course of Christmas and the first three months of this year delayed the re-write and put me behind several important deadlines, so VetScape took a back seat while I caught up with those.

You may notice some temporary outages and page unavailability while the links are updated first, and then the new design is put in to place over the next few weeks. Sorry for this, but they will be minimal.

William Easson
VetScape Webmaster


Competition Commission < < NEW
The governments' series of inquiries into veterinary medicine continues, with the Competition Commission being asked to investigate now, in to whether a "complex monopoly" exists in the supply of veterinary medicines. If you are interested in this matter (and it could affect UK veterinary practice significantly), you'd be very interested in the S.P.V.S with its advisories and discussion group, as well as B.V.A, R.C.V.S, and B.S.A.V.A.

UK Dispensing Review
The Independent Review of Dispensing by Veterinary Surgeons of Prescription Only Medicines has been published in Adobe Acrobat format. Essential reading for those in UK practice. 64 pages long.

Find Voucher Codes for Interflora UK
The UK's RCVS have published a proposal document covering the working party's thoughts and suggestions for the future of education and the structure of the profession in the UK. Strongly recommended reading - they need feedback, and if you are an MRCVS this will affect YOU.


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"There are great days ahead, James. Wonderful days..."
S.Farnon, by James Herriot


Everything You Need is Here.

Despite a string of crashes caused by faulty hardware over Christmas 2001, the development of VetScape is continuing apace.

VetScape is one of the oldest veterinary Internet resources in the World.
The project was established in 1994 at Glasgow University, but over the years it has grown to the independent highly-selective directory of the Net's best veterinary web sites that you see before you. 1,600 - 2,000 people a week can't be wrong!

As well as an extensive directory of resources on the Internet, we also have Internet search facilities and links to PubMed/MedLine, and V.I.N. so there is everything you need to research or just browse and keep up-to-date.
more >>>

Sites for Sore Eyes

VetSc@pe's choice of some of the best sites on the Net.

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University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine's CAL Project has a superb Flash-driven online tutorial. Give it a whirl.

Superb specialists home page, with a large range of outline technical guides promoting the practice of dentistry in the profession.

A human peer-reviewed Internet-based journal. Full-text original papers presented. Well worth a look.

Slick and quick RealVideo-powered walkthroughs of ophthalmological surgeries.  


Need Advice?

Need friendly advice on a tough case? If looking through the sites listed in VetScape and elsewhere (left window) and Net searches don't tell you what you need to know, then you need to ask a human! Try...

Need help? Try these!V.I.N. - message boards are monitored by experts. Large journal archive, drug information, and info sheets. $ub fee.
Mailing Lists - whatever your speciality there's one for you.
Consultant - Cornell University - not a person, but a system which can suggest differential diagnoses.
BSAVA Forums - members only, and quite quiet at the moment, but can be useful.
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doctor.jpg (1628 bytes)This is an Internet site for veterinary professionals and although readers outside the profession are welcome to use the site, no allowance can be made for them. Always consult your vet in person and heed their advice above anything you may find on-line.

The Internet, and the many "self-confessed experts" on it are no substitute for the clinical opinion of an interested veterinary surgeon.

It is always better to consult your vet as soon as you notice something out of the ordinary. If you are unhappy with your vet's advice or knowledge, ask them for a second opinion (which can be within the same practice). Few vets will object, particularly if you return to them afterward.  

VetScape CANNOT and DO NOT give veterinary advice to owners by e-mail. There can be no exceptions. more >>>

Our partner sites

"This profession of ours offers unparalleled opportunities to make a complete chump of yourself." S.Farnon, by James Herriot


Any comments or suggestions? E-Mail the webmaster@vetscape.co.uk if there is anything you like, dislike, would like to see, or to submit a URL.
Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.

Webmaster: William Easson BVMS MRCVS
England, United Kingdom.